
Installation of MySQL 5.7 by package  manager on Debian 8.0 « Jessy »

This chapter describes, as an example, the steps needed to install MySQL 5.7 on a Linux server. The first step consists in downloading the package adapted to your distribution version, here a Debian 8.0. Thereafter, you will replace w, x, y and z by the number of your current version (here mysql-aptconfig_0.5.3-1_all.deb) :

shell> wget http ://

To know the current version, visit http :// apt/ and refer to the part of the page dedicated to downloads to find the archive’s complete name including the version number.

Adding the package :

shell> sudo dpkg -i mysql-apt-config_0.5.3-1_all.deb

The screen for the components selection appears then :

The MySQL 5.7 stable version is presented by default in the «Server» section :

A python connector is required by some utilities like mysqlfailover, so it is advisable to install it :

In MySQL 5.7.9, it is not possible to select a version of MySQL utilities other than version 1.5 :

Installing the router component is useful, for example to do load repartition or to guarantee the high availibility among several redundant servers with MySQL Router :

There are other ways to direct sessions or SQL queries. MySQL router is not necessarily the right solution, depending on the users need. For an informed choice, the user should refer to chapter eight of this book. In the case where the selection has to be made again, it is appropriate to cancel the previous selection with the command dpkg -P mysql-apt-config

At this point, we have to update the repositories from the MySQL repository :

shell> apt-get update

It only remains to initiate the MySQL server installation :

shell> apt-get install mysql-server-5.7

The administrator password is asked :

The service is started by default, it is now operational :

shell> mysql -u root -p
Enter password : Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 3
Server version : 5.7.9 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
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